Child Passenger Safety Tech Update , Part 3 - Honey, Does This Car Seat Make My Rear Seat Look Small?

Date of Publication
February 15, 2022
See Agrilife Learn


This session will explore the topic of using car seats in smaller vehicles. Some vehicles just aren’t suited for car seat use, while other times we can make adjustments to the vehicle and/or select certain car seats to improve compatibility. And, naturally, when multiple car seats are used in one vehicle, fit can become a problem, even in vehicles that aren’t considered tiny. Technicians will learn about general tips and explore some specific examples.

Course Information

This session will explore the topic of using car seats in smaller vehicles. Some vehicles just aren't suited for car seat use, while other times we can make adjustments to the vehicle and/or select certain car seats to improve compatibility. And, naturally, when multiple car seats are used in one vehicle, fit can become a problem, even in vehicles that aren't considered tiny. Technicians will learn about general tips and explore some specific examples.

Course Objectives

  • Consider two tight space challenges:
    • Small vehicles/rear seats
    • 3 across situations
  • Discuss approaches:
    • Expand or adjust space
    • Adjust or change the child restraint
    • Tips and tricks

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