Child Passenger Safety Tech Update , Part 6 - Building a Better Booster

Date of Publication
February 8, 2022
See Agrilife Learn


This course provides information for certified child passenger safety technicians who wish to stay current in their technical knowledge. The course, presented in video format, features instructor and LATCH Manual author Denise Donaldson. This course is approved for 1 CEU towards the required 6 CEUS for re-certification.

Course Information

A discussion of a research study on booster seats to determine how certain boosters and crash test dummies performed in a crash. The workshop includes a look at booster fit for different size and age child volunteers as compared to the fit for crash dummies. The presentation also includes an analysis of crash tests to determine how boosters perform in a crash and ways to increase the efficacy of booster seats.

Course Objectives

  • Review studies on new Volunteer Evaluations and Dynamic Metrics.
  • Discuss the FMVSS-213 criteria for boosters.
  • Evaluate how certain boosters and crash test dummies performed in a crash.
  • Discuss important kinetics related to building a better booster.

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