Common Childhood Illnesses Part 3: Zoonotic and Other Illnesses

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


Children in child care facilities are 2- 3 times more likely to acquire infections and illnesses that affect their health than children who are kept at home. Because of that, child care providers must constantly monitor children in their care to keep illnesses from spreading to other children and workers in their facility.

Course Information

Children in child care facilities are two to three times more likely to acquire infections and illnesses that affect their health than children who are kept at home. Because of that, child care providers must constantly monitor the children in their care to keep illnesses from spreading to the other children and workers in their facility.

The objective of this online course is to introduce you to common zoonotic diseases and 'other' illnesses associated with childhood. You'll also gain a basic understanding of the reason behind these illnesses.

This 1-hour course is designed to help you improve your ability to recognize Common Childhood Illnesses. It is the third and final part of the Common Childhood Illnesses series.

Common Childhood Illnesses Series:

  • Part 1: Common Symptoms and Complications
  • Part 2: Respiratory Illnesses and Rashes
  • Part 3: Zoonotic and Other Illnesses

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