How USDA Forecasts Production and Supply/Demand
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- Publication
- Date of Publication
- December 7, 2021
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- See Agrilife Learn
USDA publishes crop supply and demand estimates for each month. Producers, merchandisers, processors, traders, and other market participants rely on this information when making their buying and selling decisions. This leaflet explains how USDA makes its estimates and how such production forecasts can be used. (4 pages)
More choices in Crops & Produce
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This 2-page publication explains how to compost to reach high enough temperatures to kill the weed seeds.
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Esta publicación de 4 páginas explica cómo el compostaje mata las malas hierbas y mantiene saludable el jardín de su casa.
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This publication explains all aspects of growing peppers in a home garden. Topics include: site selection, soil preparation, varieties, planting, fertilizing, watering, harvesting, insects, diseases and serving. (2 Pages)
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Esta publicación explica todos los aspectos del cultivo de pimientos en el huerto de una casa.
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Rosemary is a relatively easy herb to grow. This publication discusses: rosemary varieties, site selection, soil preparation, planting, fertilizing, watering, pest control, and harvesting. (3 Pages)