Part 3 - Transporting Children Safely in Booster Seats

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


Part 3-Transporting Children Safely in Booster Seats is designed to provide child care staff with additional knowledge on the importance, correct selection, usage, and installation of booster seats. This course qualifies for 2 clock hours of credit and meets the requirements for 2 hours of transportation safety education.

Course Information

Transporting Children Safely in Booster Seats is a training course designed to provide child care staff with detailed knowledge on the importance, correct selection, usage, and installation of booster seats.

This course qualifies for 2 clock hours of credit and meets the requirements for two hours of transportation safety education as mandated by Jacob's Law.

The courses must be taken individually with each participant passing the test given at the end in order to earn a certificate of completion. Because of the strict testing requirement the course cannot be taken together in a group.

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