Path to the Plate: Asparagus
- Type
- Publication
- Date of Publication
- January 25, 2022
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- See Agrilife Learn
Asparagus is a vegetable grown in early spring. It is low in calories and can be a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C, making it a great addition to meals. This fact sheet instructs gardeners on the care of asparagus and provides two recipes showcasing asparagus. (2 pages)
More choices in 4-H Family & Community Health
- Course
Step Up Scale Down is a 12-week wellness program based on USDA guidelines and scientific research. Each week focuses on a different topic related to nutrition, healthy eating, exercise, and more to support you in your weight loss journey.
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This fact sheet discusses the four end-of-life documents that Texans should have in place.
- Publication
Lateral epicondylitis (LE), commonly known as "tennis elbow," can be a degenerative disease of the muscle tendons that connect to the lateral (outside) aspect of the humerus (elbow). One major factor contributing to the development of LE is the repetitive outward movement of the wrist and bending of the elbow where tension is applied. This […]
- Publication
La lesion cerebral traumatica (TBI, por sus siglas en ingles) ocurre con mayor frecuencia por un golpe violento o una sacudida en la cabeza o el cuerpo, como un accidente automovilistico o una caida, pero tambien puede ocurrir por la penetracion de un objeto en el craneo (p. ej., bala, clavo, y muchos otros objetos). […]
- Publication
Esta hoja informativa brinda informacion importante sobre habitos alimenticios saludables, actividad fisica y prevencion de la obesidad y las enfermedades cronicas. (3 paginas)