Selección de Céspedes en Texas

Date of Publication
May 11, 2023
See Agrilife Learn


Los cespedes son un recurso. Pueden proporcionar control de la erosion del suelo, filtrar contaminantes quimicos, producir oxigeno y secuestrar dioxido de carbono, estabilizar el polvo, disipar el calor, mejorar el valor de la propiedad y mucho mas. Esta guia discutira varias especies diferentes de cesped adaptadas y diferentes cultivares dentro de esas especies. Este es un concepto importante que hay que entender cuando se empieza a buscar el cesped perfecto. (6 paginas)

Looking for solutions in your county? Contact your local extension experts

  • Course

    This course places an emphasis on fire behavior, how to employ the correct firing technique, and equipment & safety. After successful completion of this course, you will be eligible to schedule your official exam and field component to apply to become a Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager (CIPBM) from TDA.

  • Publication

    This 2-page activity is easily adapted for grades four and up.

  • Course

    The Texas Watershed Steward (TWS) online program is a statewide educational program designed to improve the quality of Texas’ water resources by educating and informing local stakeholders about their watershed, potential impairments, and steps that can be taken to help improve and protect water quality in their watershed.

  • Course

    This 1-hour course exposes learners to information regarding The Texas Watershed Steward (TWS) Program. Students will learn about the importance of water, the role of watersheds in the water cycle, and much more. Students have the option of obtaining school credit for this course.

  • Publication

    This free, 4-page publication discusses the steps in constructing and maintaining a rain barrel.

  • Publication

    This 4-page publication discusses the legal and economic issues related to carbon contracts.