
rancher driving a 4-wheeler near some cattle


RanchTV provides online educational content related to the Extension animal science program.


Ron Gill
Professor and Extension Livestock Specialist

RanchTV serves primarily as a portal to access online educational content, videos, courses and publications for the TAMU Animal Science program. It is available through YouTube and AgriLife Learn.

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More choices in Animals & Livestock

  • Publication

    This manual explains how to evaluate horses in contests or as potential purchases.

    Note: This is a paid downloadable publication.

  • Publication

    This manual aids in teaching beginners and experienced individuals how to properly evaluate live birds, ready-to-cook poultry, shell eggs, and processed poultry. It also includes information related to poultry production, management, and science and cooperating with others in solving poultry industry problems.

  • Course

    This course is designed for independent student learning and administered by VSCP Program Staff. Students enroll and complete 100 lesson modules at their own pace.

  • Publication

    Help your vet students feel prepared for CDE success with our booklet! Inside you’ll find 150 questions and answers for select chapters from our Veterinary Science textbook. Grab your copy today!

  • Course

    This course is the first of four sections of the full Veterinary Science: Independent Study Curriculum. It contains the first 6 chapters.

  • Publication

    Learn how white-tailed deer use scent to communicate! Our free factsheet teaches you about the seven white-tailed deer glands. You’ll learn each of their names, locations, and their role in deer communication. Download your free factsheet today!