Texas Animal Manure Management Issues (TAMMI)
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The TAMMI website is an electronic informational clearinghouse, developed and designed with a mission to provide agricultural waste management education and information on demand.
Zong Liu
Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist
Price Hobgood Building, Rm. 104
375 Olsen Blvd.
College Station, TX 77843
8:00am – 7:00pm
Texas Animal Manure Management Issues (TAMMI) website is an electronic informational clearinghouse, developed and designed with a mission to provide agricultural waste management education and information on demand. The website is continuously updated with research based, unbiased information and educational materials including new publications, federal and state rules and policies affecting livestock and poultry operations, and research on animal waste management and related air and water quality issues.
TAMMI website also links to TAMMI Conference website www.texasmanure.org.
More choices in Animals & Livestock
- Publication
This 4-page fact sheet provides best practices to consider when making nutritional decisions that are both beneficial to the horse and sustainable for management.
- Publication
This 48-page free, downloadable publication provides crawfish producers information on successfully raising crawfish in Texas.
- Publication
This publication provides information on how to properly manage horses and cattle together in a pasture setting.
- Publication
This fact sheet discusses various mesocarnivores often encountered near human environments and why it is important to refrain from feeding these animals.
- Publication
This 2-page publication discusses the various options and issues to consider when creating a custom harvest agreement.
- Publication
This 9-page publication provides guidance on forming an Animal Issues Committee.