Water My Yard Program
- Type
- Tools and Apps

This app invites users to create a profile and receive weekly customized yard/grass water recommendations that tell them how long to run their irrigation systems.
Guy Fipps
Professor and Extension Agricultural Engineer
Scoates Hall
333 Spence St.
College Station, TX 77843
Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
This app invites users to create a profile and receive weekly customized yard/grass water recommendations that tell them how long to run their irrigation systems. The program uses ETo (reference evapotranspiration) and rainfall data from the TexasET website to generate watering recommendations.
This program is performed in collaboration with cities, utilities and water districts. It significantly reduces water use for landscape irrigation and is a part of the water conservation plan of these cities/districts. This program was originally requested by the North Texas Municipal Water District.
Such organizations pay a fee to Extension to participate in the program. Fees are used to cover the costs of providing this service.
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