Pastures & Forage
We cover a wide range of questions for cool-season and warm-season forage production for grazing or harvest. From soil testing to weed identification and forage variety selection, our educational resources cover topics that can guide optimal production for ranchers and forage producers.
Related Departments: Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management, Soil and Crop Sciences, Horticultural Sciences
Soil, Water, and Forage Testing Lab
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Pastures & Forage
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- Course
This course provides two CEUs to TDA agricultural applicators. Aerial applicators will receive the required credits for drift minimization and safety addressing human factors. All TDA applicators who complete the course will gain knowledge of spray drift minimization as well as pesticide safety.
- Course
This course is designed to assist pest management companies in training new employees. By taking this course, apprentices and other employees will have the opportunity to receive 20 hours of in-depth training required by the Texas Department of Agriculture Structural Pest Control Service.
- Course
This course is for Texas Department of Agriculture Pesticide Applicators seeking TDA continuing education units (CEUs). This course provides 1- Drift Minimization CEU. Applicators who complete the course will gain knowledge of the factors affecting pesticide drift, such as inversion, spray nozzles, and drift factors.
- Course
As urban areas expand and homeowners continue to want attractive lawns and landscapes, the use of pesticides to control plant pests has continued to grow. Take this course to become an apprentice and learn about pesticides and their proper use, as well as how to apply them for home, lawn, and other landscapes.
- Course
Do you want to restore native plants? Are you curious about when to plant and how to maintain it? This online course will discuss how land managers can select, plant, and maintain native plants and when to plant them.
- Course
This Picolinic Acid Chemistry Training covers the application requirements for the use of Invora™ herbicide for brush and weed management on rangeland sites in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.
- Publication
Grassbur is a problematic grassy weed that can disrupt the quality of any turf setting. Learn about creating a healthy turf stand, including preemergent and post-emergent herbicide recommendations.
- Publication
This 11-page publication provides background information on organic agriculture, a description of the research project, project outcomes, experiences managing the organic system, as well as links to additional resources.
- Publication
Producers can use the information here to help with allocating scarce resources (time and money) among the five management areas discussed. Although management styles would influence the allocation, on average, the focus should be first on costs, then technology adoption, then yields, and finally prices. (4 pages)
- Publication
Nutritional management is complicated by changing forage quality and quantity. This publication discusses forage quality trends in various regions of Texas, tools to analyze the nutritional environment of cattle and differentiate between forage quality and availability problems, and nutritional management strategies. (8 pages)