We offer a wide range of resources, publications and events to provide landowners, conservationists and hunters an array of information regarding wildlife, including white-tailed deer, dove, quail, waterfowl and turkeys as well as non-native species like feral hogs as well as habitat and population management.
Related Department: Animal Science, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management

Feral Hog Management

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- Publication
Coyotes cause millions of dollars of damage yearly to livestock and crops in Texas. The leaflet explains coyote habits and the types of trap set, such as scent posts, dirt holes, and trail and carcass sets. The variety of traps available and how to set them are also discussed. (4 pages)
- Publication
Many kinds of snakes live in Texas, but only a few are poisonous. This leaflet focuses on the control of poisonous snakes by altering their habitats, fencing, trapping, poisoning and shooting. (4 pages)
- Publication
House rats and mice eat and contaminate human and animal food, and they damage and destroy property. This leaflet explains how to identify rats and mice by their droppings, runways, food crumbs and noises. Various control methods are discussed. (4 pages)
- Publication
This leaflet focuses on control methods such as trapping and poisoning.
- Publication
This publication describes various brush management methods and illustrates treatment patterns that both increase forage and preserve enough brush cover for deer and other wildlife.