Agrilife Extension Resources
We have a variety of materials and programs related to the design of community and municipal infrastructure for the purpose of helping conserve and protect water resources and avoiding damage from excessive water.
Related Departments: Soil and Crop Sciences, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences
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This publication explains how to inspect a home aerobic treatment unit, disinfection unit, and spray field in order to complete reports Texas.
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Like paper and plastic, some water can be recycled. This “graywater” which can be water from bathtubs, showers, clothes washing machines, and some sinks can then be used in landscapes.
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This publication outlines the responsibilities of a homeowner whose wastewater is treated by an aerobic treatment unit and spray field.
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This publication discusses the design, construction, and maintenance of rain gardens as a stormwater best management practice.
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In this publication you will learn how to maintain all the components of a septic system.
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This publication includes a glossary of key terms and answers to frequently asked question about The Clean Water Act and its amendments to regulate certain discharges of stormwater.
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This publication describes how to plan, design and install various types of soil storage and infiltration systems.
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This manual is intended for use as an instructional guide accompanying a short course discussing wastewater loading to onsite wastewater treatment systems.
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This guide helps homeowners who are seeking maintenance services for their onsite wastewater treatment systems (such as septic systems).
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This publication explains how aerobic units work, what their design requirements are, and how to maintain them.