Rainwater Harvesting: Soil Storage and Infiltration System
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- Publication
- Date of Publication
- August 31, 2021
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- See Agrilife Learn
A soil storage and infiltration system collects rainfall runoff from the roofs of buildings and directs it underground where it infiltrates the soil. Such a system conserves water and protects it from surface pollution. This publication describes how to plan, design and install various types of soil storage and infiltration systems. (8 pp., 7 illustrations, 5 tables)
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This 8-page publication explains factors to consider when choosing an on-site wastewater treatment system and lists the nine steps required to obtain a permit for one.
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This 7-page publication explains what composting is and how to make compost from horse manure. It also provides a case study of a successful composting operation.
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Demand for water is increasing, so our aquifers must be conserved and protected. The Groundwater Conservation Districts in Texas are carrying out a number of successful programs in the areas of: Education Public awareness Technical assistance Financial assistance Special projects Research (4 pages)
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This 7-page publication explains the options as well as the steps to implementing an alternative system.
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Groundwater conservation districts (GCDs) are being created in many parts of Texas to allow local citizens to manage and protect their groundwater. This publication answers frequently asked questions about groundwater and GCDs. (44 pages)