Search results for: “Mosquito Control Products”

  • Publication
    Timing effective treatment to control sugarcane aphids in sorghum depends on the size of the sugarcane aphid population. The Sampling Protocol and Quick Aphid Checker charts and photos on this...
  • Publication
    Timing effective treatment to control sugarcane aphids in sorghum depends on the size of the sugarcane aphid population. The Grain Sorghum Action Threshold charts and photos on this laminated card...
  • Publication
    ...that causes major problems along rivers in the western half of Texas and throughout the U.S. Southwest. This publication explains its biology and ecological impacts, water use and control strategies....
  • Publication
    ...during winter and drought periods. In this publication ranchers learn how to control pricklypear and how to use it as a valuable range resource. (8 pp., 19 photos, 1 table)...
  • Publication
    Horn flies are the most damaging insect to cattle in Texas. This publication explains biological, cultural, and chemical methods of controlling horn flies. Various insecticides used to suppress horn flies...
  • Publication
    ...they invade homes or damage plants. This publication explains the biology and habits of earwigs and offers three ways to control them: sanitation, mechanical means, and chemical methods. (2 Pages)...
  • Publication destructive pests. However, centipedes will bite, and millipedes give off a repugnant odor when handled. This publication lists many ways to control these pests indoors and outdoors. (2 Pages)...
  • Publication
    ...It explains how to prevent spiders from entering the home and how to control those that do enter. Tips for homeowners and professional pest control operators are given. (6 Pages)...
  • Publication
    External parasites can transmit diseases, decrease egg production, increase feed costs and reduce weight gains in poultry. This bulletin focuses on control measures, as well as the characteristics, hosts, life...
  • Publication
    Bed bugs infest beds, bedding, and furniture and feed on the blood of humans. This publication explains how to identify bed bugs, how to locate infestations, and how to control...