Search results for: “Mosquito Control Products”

  • Publication
    ...and warm temperatures. This publication discusses the symptoms of the disease and how it spreads, as well as management strategies to control the pathogen that causes the disease. (2 Pages)...
  • Publication
    Peach stunt disease is a serious disorder that causes severe stunting of peach trees and reduces fruit yield. This publication discusses how to recognize and control the disease in peach...
  • Publication
    ...that affects all stone fruit species and can influence tree vigor as well as fruit quality and yield. This publication discusses bacterial spot symptoms, transmission, and control strategies. (2 Pages)...
  • Publication
    ...disease affects peaches, cherries, almonds, and European plums, often resulting in serious economic losses. This publication highlights the disease symptoms, how it spreads, and how to control it. (2 Pages)...
  • Publication
    Peach scab, a fungus that can infect all stone fruits, is severe in peaches, causing economic losses. This publication explains the disease symptoms, how it spreads, and how to control...
  • Publication
    ...sycamore trees; Pierce's disease in grapes; and citrus variegated chlorosis (yellowing) in citrus. This publication discusses the symptoms of the disease, how it is transmitted, and control strategies. (2 Pages)...
  • Publication
    ...untreated, it can cause severe defoliation. This publication discusses the symptoms of the disease, what causes it, environmental factors that favor its development, and how to control it. (2 Pages)...
  • Publication
    ...common and destructive diseases of roses, affecting every rose species and cultivar. This publication summarizes the disease symptoms, cause, environmental factors that favor its development, and control measures. (2 Pages)...
  • Publication
    ...a problem for roses grown in greenhouses and rose fields. This publication explains the cause of the disease, its symptoms, how it spreads, and how to control it. (2 Pages)...
  • Publication
    ...roses. On roses, the pathogen causes leaf yellowing, wilting, and dieback of foliage and stems. This publication discusses the symptoms, cause, and control of this disease in roses. (2 pages)...