Search results for: “Beef Cattle”

  • Publication
    Texas cattle producers have reported an increasing number of cases of bovine anaplasmosis, a disease that causes anemia, abortion, decreased production, and death. This publication explains what causes the disease,...
  • Publication
    The process of palpating to determine pregnancy in cattle and the equipment used during palpation are described and illustrated in this bulletin. The female reproductive system is discussed, along with...
  • Publication
    Cattle producers can synchronize estrus (heat) to breed fertile females rapidly. The manipulation of the reproductive process reduces the need to detect estrus, creates a more uniform calf crop, and...
  • Publication
    This publication discusses common internal and external parasites in cattle: hairworms, lung worms, liver flukes, coccidia, horn flies, lice and grubs. Preventive and treatment methods are also covered. (4 pages)...
  • Publication
    This publication describes prevention measures, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for the most common reproductive diseases in cattle: brucellosis (Bang's disease); leptospirosis; infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and bovine diarrhea (BVD)...
  • Publication
    Vaccines deliver antigens that stimulate the body's production of antibodies in response to disease. Cattle can be vaccinated with noninfectious or infectious vaccines. The types of vaccine products, proper handling...
  • Publication
    Proper diet and pasture management can control brown stomach worms in cattle without the use of deworming drugs. This publication explains how the combination works. (2 Pages)...
  • Publication
    The replacement management strategy involves comparing the values of the breeding stock you own with the value of potential replacements and then choosing the investment with the highest expected worth....
  • Publication
    Retained ownership, or market integration, involves carrying over a production activity into the next phase of preparation for the marketplace. This publication discusses the advantages associated with this production and...
  • Publication
    To decrease the financial risks associated with inadequate animal performance, it is critical that you match the livestock production cycle to the availability and quality of forages. This publication examines...