Search results for: “fire ants”

  • Publication
    Publication Information You've tried everything – the home remedies, the store-bought sprays, even the desperate dance of stomping and swatting. But those pesky fire ants just keep coming back! It's...
  • Program
    ...Harvest is a program series that teaches individuals how to preserve foods using tested recipes and research-based methods. The program combines a didactic component with “hands-on” activities which allows participants...
    jars of homemade preserves
  • Program
    ...other existing agencies and not-for-profit organizations where groups of participants meet on a regular basis. Examples include schools, faith-based organizations, latch key programs, Boys & Girls Clubs, low-income housing authorities,...
  • Publication
    Caffeine is a substance that is often consumed by humans to increase alertness and reduce fatigue. It is also used as a therapeutic treatment for premature infants to improve heart,...
  • Course
    ...more about: why infants and toddlers use challenging behavior what they can do to prevent this behavior how to effectively respond when prevention is not enough. Additionally, this course will...
  • Course
    ...of completion for this course, participants must obtain a score of 100% on the online Auxin Specific Applicator Test. Participants may retake the test as often as necessary. Re-certification Requirements...
  • Course
    Why and how to strengthen language through responsive and effective interactions with infants and toddlers helps teachers understand the importance of early language experiences. Learn ways to promote infants' and...
  • Course
    ...on fraudulent court documents and fraudulent document filings. Participants will review codes and definitions of fraud and understand the role of the clerk regarding fraudulent documents. Participants are responsible for...
  • Course hour of continuing education credit. Participants will review the basics of ethics and receive guidance to base decisions upon when faced with ethical issues. Included in the course are...