Texas Private Pesticide Applicator Training
- Type
- Course
- Date of Publication
- July 7, 2021
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
Course Information
This online course is designed for pesticide applicators in Texas that want to obtain a pesticide license. It provides crucial information that will prepare them to take the Private Applicator Exam by the Texas Department of Agriculture and administered by PSI Services.
Please visit this page to view additional licensing requirements.
Is a private pesticide applicator license right for you?
A private pesticide applicator is someone who uses or supervises the use of restricted-use or state-limited-use pesticides or regulated herbicides to produce an agricultural commodity on personally owned property, rented property, property owned by his or her employer, property under his or her general control or the property of another person if applied without compensation, other than the trading of personal services between producers of agricultural commodities.
Please visit this page from the Texas Department of Agriculture to learn more.
*A printed manual will be shipped to all course registrants. Please provide a physical shipping address during registration. Manuals cannot be shipped overseas.
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