Business Planning and Analysis for Farm and Food Enterprises

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


Take this course and learn how to create a business vision and plan that will help you achieve your goals! The goal of this course is to help you evaluate the feasibility of your business and improve your chances of success.

Course Information

Take this course and learn how to create a business vision and plan that will help you achieve your goals! The goal of this course is to help you evaluate the feasibility of your business and improve your chances of success.

Before taking this course, we recommend taking the introductory course, Business Planning Basics for Farm and Food Enterprises. The Business Planning Basics course will give you the foundational knowledge to:

  • Understand the role of business planning
  • Identify the market problem/opportunity
  • State your value proposition

This course goes into further detail in the business planning process and includes sections on market and financial analyses. It also includes access to examples and templates to help you create your business plan.

In addition to creating a business plan, you will also have the opportunity to submit your business plan for review and personal feedback from economic experts. Part of the feedback process is a one-hour personal consultation with Dr. Rebekka Dudensing, an Associate Professor and Extension Economist in Community Economic Development with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.

As a result of your participation in this course, you will be able to:

  • Define and quantify your target market
  • Describe your position in the market
  • Evaluate financial feasibility
  • Write a mission and SMART goals
  • Formulate your production, procurement, and marketing strategy
  • Design a strong evaluation program
  • Pitch your plan
  • Implement and update your plan

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