Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


This course is designed to help people with diabetes do well and be well. Through this online course, you will walk through the basics of diabetes, how to make helpful choices, and the basics of medicine.

Course Information

Living with diabetes can seem frustrating and can often lead to feeling confused about what foods one can eat. Being successful in managing diabetes starts with knowing the basics of self-care and learning how to incorporate foods into your everyday meals. Through this course, you can learn how to manage diabetes to make your everyday decisions easier.

This course is designed to help people with diabetes do well and be well. During this course, you will walk through the basics of diabetes, how to make helpful choices, and the basics of medicine.

Modules include:

  • The basics of diabetes
  • How food affects blood glucose
  • Carbohydrate choices
  • Why check your blood glucose?
  • The basics of medication
  • Being physically active
  • Preventing further complications

Enroll today and do well, be well with diabetes!

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