One Health: Independent-Study Curriculum
- Type
- Course
- Date of Publication
- July 7, 2021
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
Course Information
One Health Independent-Study Curriculum is designed for independent student learning and administered by IIAD. Students enroll in this online course and complete 25 lesson modules at their own pace.
Each lesson module includes:
- a One Health lesson
- pre-recorded teacher-led video
- printable note sheets
- automated quiz
- and activity to be submitted online.
Progress is tracked by an IIAD host instructor. A certificate is issued upon completion of the curriculum. This modular system includes 25 lessons found in One Health Science & Technology. You do not need to purchase a book.
This online package is active for 2 years. If participants have not completed the course within 24 months of activation, participants will have to reactivate the course.
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