Working with Farmers & Ranchers with Disabilities: An AgrAbility Resource for Occupational Therapy Practitioners

Date of Publication
July 15, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


This course is designed to educate occupational therapy practitioners on how to improve OT services provided to farmers and ranchers with a disability. Modules cover assessment, agriculture tasks, hazard safety, common conditions, ergonomics, assistive technology, modifications, and resources.

Course Information

Farmers and ranchers are at risk of acquiring a disability. Occupational therapy (OT) practitioners require knowledge of agricultural occupations to address farmers' and ranchers' rehabilitation needs. However, there are a few educational resources available to practitioners. These modules are designed to inform occupational therapy practitioners, in all settings, on how to improve OT services provided to farmers and ranchers with a disability.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • understand basic farm culture, tasks, and hazards
  • assess the role of occupational therapists in agriculture settings
  • identify hazards, risks, and safety concerns in farm and ranch occupations
  • identify different types of agriculture and the common injuries associated with those fields
  • evaluate ergonomics and body mechanics of farmers and ranchers to prevent secondary injury
  • determine motivation and change factors for farmers and ranchers
  • identify common interventions and programs for agriculture producers and their families
  • evaluate assistive technology devices, task modifications, and equipment modifications for farm and ranch use
  • understand the role of AgrAbility in serving agriculture workers and their families

This course is eligible for 6 Occupational Therapy Education Hours of training certified by the Texas Occupational Therapy Association (TOTA). You will have access to this course for 1 year before your account is unenrolled.

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