Search results for: “4-h youth development managing beef cattle for show”

  • Publication
    ...recent issues such as aflatoxin contamination, Hernández and Guthery help land stewards understand the optimum conditions for encouraging and sustaining quail populations while continuing to manage rangeland for cattle production....
  • Publication
    The time of year that cows calve directly affects many herd management practices. Therefore, producers should consider carefully the time of year to breed cattle. This publication looks at research...
  • Publication
    Nutrient balance is the key to any effective nutrition program, especially where trace minerals are concerned. Many factors cannot be optimized when mineral intake is not properly balanced. Recommendations are...
  • Publication
    Properly vaccinating an entire herd, including pregnant cows, calves, replacement heifers, and bulls can prevent disease outbreaks caused by both dormant and incubating infections. This preconditioning immunization helps unborn, nursing...
  • Course
    ...7: Youth-Adult Partnerships List the components of high-quality youth development programs, explain the 4-H Thriving Model, leverage youth volunteers, and implement youth voice at a level appropriate for your program....
  • Publication
    Cattle fever ticks pose a significant health threat to U.S. cattle and, if not controlled, could cost livestock producers an estimated $1 billion. Of the infected cattle that have not...
  • Publication
    ...prevalent insects affecting beef cattle. This publication details various insecticide-impregnated ear tags that can be used to help decrease the presence and effects of horn flies on cattle. (2 pages)...
  • Publication
    Research using cattle fitted with GPS collars has shed light on how cattle behave in response to different landscape features such as brush, rock cover, slope, water, forage, and grazing...
  • Service
    The Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, TVMDL, has compiled eight syndrome specific diagnostic plans to assist clients in efficient diagnostic testing strategies based on clinical signs or gross necropsy...