Search results for: “4-h youth development managing beef cattle for show”

  • Publication
    Feeding strategies that optimize rumen function also maximize milk production and milk component percentages and yield. This publication offers guidelines for feeding forage, grain protein and ration fiber to enhance...
  • Publication
    Feed additives play an essential role in enhancing the production and yield of milk and milk components. Producers should, however, evaluate the cost-to-benefit ratio of each feed additive in their...
  • Publication
    Grapevine virus diseases can ruin crops and inflict great costs on winegrape producers. Virus diseases can be difficult to diagnose and the damage they cause can be unpredictable. This publication...
  • Publication
    This publication discusses rabies, a diseases that skunks can transmit, and the damage that skunks can cause. Suggestions for environmental and mechanical control are given, as well as instructions on...
  • Publication
    Raccoons can cause much damage to attics, roofs, hen houses, gardens, orchards, lawns, pets and people. This leaflet describes how to control raccoons and prevent raccoon infestations. (2 pages)...
  • Publication
    Pocket gophers can seriously damage cultivated farming areas, rangelands, orchards, tree farms and lawns. Mechanical control by probing and chemical control by hand baiting and using fumigants are explained. (4...
  • Publication
    Moles can cause much damage to crops and livestock. This leaflet explains the proper way to set shocker loop traps and harpoon traps. Cultural controls and habitat modifications are discussed....
  • Publication
    Armadillos are beneficial because they eat insects and other invertebrates, but they can damage lawns, gardens and structural foundations. They also are believed to transmit leprosy to humans. This leaflet...
  • Publication
    Opossums are omnivores that can become a nuisance when they eat pet food, fruit on trees, pecans, seeds in bird feeders and garbage in trash cans. They also carry murine...
  • Publication
    Beavers are important because their dams stabilize creek flow, slow runoff and create ponds. However, these same dams can negatively alter the flow of creeks. Damage prevention, control and various...