Search results for: “4-h youth development managing beef cattle for show”

  • Publication
    Juniper can be a problem for many landowners, and there are various means of controlling it. One particularly effective tool is using goats, alone or with other methods, to control...
  • Publication
    Algal overgrowth is one of the most common issues plaguing pond owners. This publication explains the types of algae that may reside in the pond, describes several approaches to controlling...
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    Stormwater or retention ponds are a typical sight in many urban areas and are frequently found scattered about in subdivisions as a means to manage rainwater and prevent flooding. During...
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    All animals must keep their body temperature in a thermoneutral zone in order to survive’Aiin warm climates, animals must shed excess heat. Because a variety of rangeland wildlife use vegetation...
  • Publication
    Rio Grande wild turkeys are popular birds found throughout much of Texas. Learn best management practices for brush control to enhance and maintain critical turkey roosting habitat. (5 Pages)...
  • Publication
    Researchers expect the common vampire bat to expand its range from Mexico to the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Livestock producers in southern Texas need to be aware of the ecology...
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    In recent years, the number and density of coyotes in and around the urban area have increased. This publication can help school IPM coordinators address the presence of coyotes on...
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    Both climatic and financial risks can be reduced through proper grazing management. The effects of grazing, the importance of animal numbers, and the principle of rest and graze are detailed...
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    Research has found that farmers and ranchers who use poultry litter to fertilize fields can reduce the harm to local water supplies if they use appropriate management strategies. This publication...
  • Publication
    This publication aims to help producers make decisions on herbicide use for volunteer cotton. Volunteer cotton can compete with the crop and reduce yield. It also can make the boll...