Search results for: “4-h youth development managing beef cattle for show”

  • Publication
    House rats and mice eat and contaminate human and animal food, and they damage and destroy property. This leaflet explains how to identify rats and mice by their droppings, runways,...
  • Publication
    Snares are traps that can be used to capture coyotes. The habits of coyotes are discussed in this publication, as well as what equipment is needed for snaring, where to...
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    Nutria are large, semi-aquatic rodents resembling beavers or muskrats. They eat desirable vegetation, girdle trees, and burrow into banks and dams. The biological, reproductive, and behavioral characteristics of nutria are...
  • Publication
    Excessive numbers of pigeons in cities, suburbs, or parks can create a nuisance and a health threat. Control methods include roost elimination, noise-making devices, traps, poisons, and shooting. (2 pages)...
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    Dens or holes dug by badgers can be a hazard to livestock, horseback riders, and machinery. Badgers can be controlled by trapping, shooting, habitat modification, or frightening them away with...
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    This publication discusses the distribution of feral hogs as well as their habitats, food habits, and reproduction. Feral hogs can damage crops and kill lambs and kid goats. Methods of...
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    Populations of feral hogs, a non-native species, have grown dramatically in recent years. On school grounds, damage by feral hogs can impact sports fields, lawns and landscaping, irrigation systems, and...
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    Animal Supply Points are critical during emergencies, as they provide supplies, such as food and fresh water, to animals and their owners affected by a disaster. This publication discusses the...
  • Publication
    Many birds in Texas rely on aquatic areas, such as lakes, tanks, or ponds, for food and shelter. Though these birds can impact fish populations and damage infrastructure, they do...