Advanced Plant Breeding

Date of Publication
October 13, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


Advanced Plant Breeding provides the student with an overview of plant breeding methodology, statistics, and implementation.

Course Information

The goal of this course is to provide the student with an overview of plant breeding methodology, statistics, and implementation. These topics will be discussed:

  • selection theory and practice
  • the effect and management of genotype*environment interaction
  • computer management of a breeding program

Initial studies in all these areas assume that the species being improved is a diploid or allopolyploid species. The final section of the class will discuss how autopolyploidy in specific crops affects genetics and breeding strategies.

This course will be taught as three lecture hours per week. Lectures are designed to supplement the textbook and assigned reading material. New content will be posted every Monday. You will receive an email when new content is posted.

Suggested Texts

  • Breeding for Quantitative Traits in Plants by Rex Bernardo
  • Agricultural Experimentation: Design and Analysis by T.M. Little; F.J. Hills
  • Molecular Plant Breeding by Yunbi Xu

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