Helping Children Cope with Disaster
- Type
- Publication
- Date of Publication
- January 25, 2022
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
Children who are directly affected by a disaster may experience psychological traumas. This publication is aimed at helping children recover more quickly and fully by recognizing the symptoms of psychological trauma and taking steps to alleviate their stresses. Researchers have shown that the more personal exposure a survivor has to the effects of a disaster, the greater the reactions after the disaster. The death of a family member, loss of a home, and destruction of a community are highly stressful events. In each of these, grief and trauma intertwine. (2 pages)
More choices in Childcare Training
- Course
Despite the known benefits of outdoor and nature play for young children, early childhood educators and administrators may worry about issues of safety and liability.
The purpose of this 2-hour course is to equip early childhood professionals to view risk in outdoor and nature play as a process of balancing risks and benefits, rather than a barrier to including outdoor and nature play in your program. - Course
Early childhood educators can make the most of planned outdoor and nature play experiences in terms of children’s learning through the interactions they have with children as they play.
The purpose of this 2-hour course is to offer early childhood professionals actionable strategies for facilitating learning through outdoor and nature play. - Course
In early childhood, a child’s social emotional development and mental health are one and the same. That means the strategies early childhood educators use to cultivate positive social emotional development are, by definition, supportive of positive mental health outcomes.
The purpose of this 2-hour course is to give early childhood professionals a review of key milestones and learning goals in the social emotional domain of development and a selection of practical strategies to help children achieve them. - Course
Increased engagement in outdoor and nature play can benefit young children’s learning across all developmental domains.
The purpose of this 2-hour course is to offer early childhood professionals strategies for supporting children’s cognitive development through outdoor play and learning activities. - Course
In order to facilitate healthy social emotional development among young children, early childhood professionals first need to have the tools to regulate their own emotions and manage their own stress.
The purpose of this 2-hour course is to provide early childhood educators with information and resources to recognize stressors and signs of stress and empower them to adopt healthy approaches to stress management. - Course
Increased engagement in outdoor and nature play can benefit young children’s learning across all developmental domains.
The purpose of this 2-hour course is to offer early childhood professionals strategies for supporting children’s physical development through outdoor play and learning activities.