Viticulture Concepts and Practices — Course with Downloadable Textbook

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


This course introduces students to the concepts and practices of viticulture as well as management practices used by grape producers.

Course Information

This course prepares learners for successful careers in the grape industry. It introduces students to the concepts and practices of viticulture. Students learn management practices used by grape producers.

Course materials include:

  • interactive, narrated lessons;
  • 20 PowerPoints, one for each lesson;
  • and a PDF version of the textbook.

Once you finish this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss career paths in viticulture;
  • Explain how to choose cultivars and sites for establishing a vineyard;
  • Identify grapevine parts in relation to vine health and fruit production; and
  • Choose management strategies for weather, pests, and vine health.

Viticulture Concepts and Practices - Downloadable Textbook included

Downloadable Textbook contains:

  • 20 lessons covering all aspects of viticulture,
  • a glossary with over 300 words,
  • review questions, and
  • suggested activities.

NOTE: This course includes a downloadable version of the textbook. Customers may choose to purchase a physical copy of this textbook from the Viticulture Concepts and Practices - Textbook storefront listing.

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