Center of Coffee Research and Education

Research Institute or Center
hand holding a glass with ground coffee


The Center for Coffee Research andEducation was founded as a branch of The Borlaug Institute to improve quality and supply of coffee and producer livelihoods.


Dr. Roger Norton



578 John Kimbrough Blvd <br>
Suite 201<br>
College Station, TX 77843-2477

The Center for Coffee Research andEducation (CCRE) was founded in 2016 as a branch of the Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture and Development to improve quality and supply of coffee and producer livelihoods.

From crop to cup, CCRE works to support coffee sector stakeholders through research, education, training and international coffee development projects.

Our Facilities

CCRE has a basic coffee laboratory and is in the process of developing a full research and teaching lab.

What We Do

CCRE focuses on research and educational opportunities to improve the coffee value chain around the world from coffee cultivation to producer livelihoods through research in these areas:

  • Post-Harvest: drying methods for effects on product quality and shelf-life
  • Genetics: disease resistance and climate change in high-quality varieties
  • Water Management: water management strategies for plants and post-harvest processes
  • Consumer Preferences: evaluation of consumers' willingness to pay for specialty coffee based on taste


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