Agrilife Extension Resources
4-H is the nation’s largest youth development program. Through local 4‑H programs, kids and teens learn valuable life skills and participate in project areas like health, science, agriculture and civic engagement. In Texas, the 4-H program is administered by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and Prairie View A&M Cooperative Extension Service.
>>> Visit the Texas 4-H website here
Related Departments: Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications, Animal Science, Nutrition, Horticultural Sciences
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Emphasizing an environment where children construct their knowledge, this course explores the importance of environments, setting up environments, and selecting appropriate materials. Ways to integrate the indoor and outdoor learning environments to infuse the natural world into the learning experience are discussed.
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Classroom management refers to skills teachers use daily to supervise and organize time, materials and activities, while keeping children safe. From the rules and routines to the activities, each component needs to be planned and followed through with children to ensure they are learning through play throughout the day.
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This course is designed for 4-H and FFA members participating in livestock projects. The primary objectives are to enable students to understand the relationship between good character and safe food practices and to apply knowledge regarding the ethical implications of livestock-raising decisions.
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This course is designed for 4-H and FFA members participating in livestock projects. The primary objectives are to enable students to understand the relationship between good character and safe food practices and to apply knowledge regarding the ethical implications of livestock-raising decisions.
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This course is designed for 4-H and FFA members participating in livestock projects. The primary objectives are to enable students to understand the relationship between good character and safe food practices and to apply knowledge regarding the ethical implications of livestock-raising decisions.
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This course is designed to educate service providers of farmworkers on how to identify challenges and improve services for farmworkers with disabilities and chronic health conditions.
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This session will explore the topic of using car seats in smaller vehicles. Some vehicles just aren’t suited for car seat use, while other times we can make adjustments to the vehicle and/or select certain car seats to improve compatibility. And, naturally, when multiple car seats are used in one vehicle, fit can become a problem, even in vehicles that aren’t considered tiny. Technicians will learn about general tips and explore some specific examples.
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This session will cover the proper use of LATCH by exploring the LATCH Manual, revealing more about its potential to help you educate caregivers accurately and efficiently. The session will delve into the many uses for Appendix A, B and C, with particular focus on new and/or updated information in the latest edition of this resource.
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This course provides information for certified child passenger safety technicians who wish to stay current in their technical knowledge. The course, presented in video format, features instructor and LATCH Manual author Denise Donaldson. This course is approved for 1 CEU towards the required 6 CEUS for re-certification.
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A discussion of car seats priced under $150 using a popular interactive game format to explore the different seats available and their features including specifics about their weight and height limits.