Serving Farmworkers with Disabilities and Health Conditions

Date of Publication
April 19, 2023
See Agrilife Learn


This course is designed to educate service providers of farmworkers on how to identify challenges and improve services for farmworkers with disabilities and chronic health conditions.

Farmworkers suffer from higher rates of occupational injury, disability, and chronic health conditions than the general public. With much of our US food and fiber supply reliant on farmworkers, disabling conditions can greatly affect the agricultural labor force. Service providers of farmworkers require knowledge and resources to address their needs and provide assistance. This course is designed to educate service providers of farmworkers on how to identify challenges and improve services for farmworkers with disabilities and chronic health conditions.

Course Objectives

  • Examine the needs of farmworkers with disabilities in the U.S.
  • Identify services available for farmworkers and their families
  • Recognize common disabilities and health conditions affecting farmworkers
  • Compare types of assistive technology and farm modifications for farmworkers with disabilities or health conditions

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