Fruits & Tree Nuts

We have a wide range of objective, science-based information on the nutritional and health benefits of fruits and tree nuts as well as horticultural information on planting and maintaining fruit and nut trees appropriate for Texas.

lemons on a vine

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Fruits & Tree Nuts



¡Cultiva Uvas en tu jardín con confianza! Nuestra guía gratis con base científica, de la serie El Camino al Plato, te enseña cómo a resolver problemas comunes, elegir las mejores variedades y disfrutar de una gran cosecha. ¡Descárgala ahora! 


¡Cultiva Fresas en tu jardín con confianza! Nuestra guía gratis con base científica, de la serie El Camino al Plato, te enseña cómo a resolver problemas comunes, elegir las mejores variedades y disfrutar de una gran cosecha. ¡Descárgala ahora! 


¡Cultiva Peras en tu jardín con confianza! Nuestra guía gratis con base científica, de la serie El Camino al Plato, te enseña cómo a resolver problemas comunes, elegir las mejores variedades y disfrutar de una gran cosecha. ¡Descárgala ahora! 


We offer numerous free and affordable programs on agriculture and natural resources, family and community health, economic health and youth development. We also offer many volunteer opportunities. Browse the list below.

Preserving the Harvest is a program series that teaches ways to preserve foods with tested recipes and research-based methods, using “hands-on” activities to practice preservation skills.


This program educates growers and wine producers through applied research on vineyards, insect and disease management, selection of grape varieties, wine processing and wine quality.


Learn, Grow, Eat & GO!  is the research-based, evidence-based curriculum project of the International Junior Master Gardener® Program.



The Viticulture Concepts and Practices course and textbook bundle prepares learners for successful careers in the grape industry.


Introduction to Basic Plant Breeding provides a review of plant reproduction genetic variation, gene banks, germplasm preservation, gene segregation, the power of selection and its role in plant breeding, and an introduction to intellectual property and its role in the life of a plant breeder.


Advanced Plant Breeding provides the student with an overview of plant breeding methodology, statistics, and implementation.

All Resources on Fruits & Tree Nuts

  • Publication

    ¡Cultiva Batatas en tu jardín con confianza! Nuestra guía gratis con base científica, de la serie El Camino al Plato, te enseña cómo a resolver problemas comunes, elegir las mejores variedades y disfrutar de una gran cosecha. ¡Descárgala ahora! 

  • Publication

    ¡Cultiva Aranadanos en tu jardín con confianza! Nuestra guía gratis con base científica, de la serie El Camino al Plato, te enseña cómo a resolver problemas comunes, elegir las mejores variedades y disfrutar de una gran cosecha. ¡Descárgala ahora! 

  • Publication

    Created by teachers, this multifaceted garden, nutrition, and physical activities curriculum is evidence-based and academically rich.

  • Publication

    Today Master Gardeners are active in all 50 U.S. States and eight Canadian provinces. The heart of the Texas Master Gardener program is the dedicated, passionate volunteers who are willing to share their knowledge with anyone interested. 2019 Edition.

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    This 4-week curriculum equips early childhood teachers with daily engaging lessons, group activities, and journal prompts to enrich your classroom while making learning fun!

  • Publication

    Cultiva Maíz en tu huerto con confianza! Nuestra guía gratis con base científica, de la serie El Camino al Plato, te enseña cómo. Llena de consejos de expertos sobre preparación del suelo, siembra y cuidado de cultivos de temporada, nuestra guía te mostrará cómo construir el huerto abundante que siempre has soñado. ¡Descárgala hoy!

  • Publication

    High tunnels are also known as hoop houses. These structures are similar to greenhouses, but they have no permanent floors or heating systems.

  • Publication

    This three-page factsheet describes the symptoms and phases of this new disease, as well as yield impact, and management.

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    This factsheet discusses soil texture, mineral content, nutrient-holding capacity, soil acidity and alkalinity, water-holding capacity, and more to help you understand and manage your soil for healthy grapevine growth and production.

  • Publication

    This fact sheet discusses the steps necessary to conduct a grapevine tissue nutrient analysis, including when, where, and what to sample.

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