We offer landscaping education, workshops and instruction ranging from what trees, plants and grasses work best in various landscape designs to front and backyard landscaping ideas. From native landscaping to xeriscapes and reduction of water usage, Texans have a range of resources designed for all yards across the state.
Related Departments: Horticultural Sciences, Soil and Crop Sciences

Texas Superstar Plants

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All Resources on Landscaping
- Program
The Healthy Lawns Healthy Waters program aims to improve and protect surface water quality by enhancing awareness and knowledge of best management practices for residential landscapes.
The Plant Party webinar series is a collaboration between Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.
- Program
Texas Superstar plants are specially recognized for superior performance in tough growing conditions in Texas.
- Tools and Apps
The Texas Tree Planting Guide helps individuals select the best trees for the needs as well as provides helpful information for planting and care.
- Tools and Apps
The Texas Urban Landscape Guide provides science-based information related to the design, installation and maintenance of WaterWise landscapes across the regions in Texas.