Agricultural Pest Management News from the Field
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- Program
Time sensitive information on pest management (insect, weed, disease) news is delivered weekly during the crop production season by four clusters of IPM Agents covering most of Texas. Audio is recorded on Zoom, processed, and posted within one hour on an audio service. Clients who signed up for text notification of new posts receive a text with a link to the audio file. Clients can sign up for their local news or any or all of the four distinct news alerts – they are all different. Rapid information transfer is preferred by most clients to Extension newsletters, and it gives us a way to deliver real time information. Two years of client surveys have shown this to be a very popular product. When clients sign up for text notifications they tell us whether they are a producer, crop consultant, Ag. Industry or other (including press or media), so we know in general who our audience is.
More choices in Crops & Produce
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This factsheet discusses soil texture, mineral content, nutrient-holding capacity, soil acidity and alkalinity, water-holding capacity, and more to help you understand and manage your soil for healthy grapevine growth and production.
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This fact sheet discusses the steps necessary to conduct a grapevine tissue nutrient analysis, including when, where, and what to sample.
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¡Cultiva manzanas en tu jardín con confianza! Nuestra guía gratis, con base científica, de la serie El Camino al Plato te enseña cómo superar desafíos comunes, elegir las mejores variedades y disfrutar de una gran cosecha. ¡Descárgala ahora!
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Strawberries are small, evergreen plants in the rose family. Although strawberries are a perennial crop, in Texas, they are commonly grown as annuals.
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This 3-page guide discusses various manual methods of estimating crop yield and the benefits and usage of emerging technologies in this area.
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This fact sheet instructs gardeners on the care of figs and provides a recipe showcasing figs.