Making Math Meaningful: Geometry, Measurement, Classification & Patterning for Preschools

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


Going beyond counting and using numbers is important for preschool children. Geometry, spatial relations and shape, processes and developmental stages of measurement, and how preschoolers develop understanding of classifying, graphing, and patterning are explored. Classroom tasks with instructions are given.

Course Information

Going beyond simply counting and using numbers is important for preschool children.

This online course:

  • examines the elements of geometry, spatial relations, and shape
  • delves into processes and developmental stages of measurement
  • and explores how preschoolers develop understanding of classifying, graphing, and patterning.

A collection of classroom tasks with thorough descriptions including the materials for each and step-by-step instructions for using the tasks with your children are provided.

Funding for this 2-hour training course was generously provided through a grant by The Boeing Company.

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