JMG Early Childhood Learn, Grow, Eat and GO!
- Type
- Publication
- Date of Publication
- August 11, 2021
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
To help grow a classroom of thriving students, the new Early Childhood Learn, Grow, Eat & Go curriculum combines rich plant/garden learning, food exposure, fun brain- & body-boosting physical activities, AND novel parent/school community engagement in a fun, teacher-friendly format!
Save planning time with this step-by-step, 4 week unit that equips teachers with daily engaging lessons, group activities, and journal prompts that lead your class to create a simple, thriving vegetable garden. Weekly featured songs, literature connections, classroom garden kitchen recipes, innovative family engagement tools, and effective center resources complement learning and maximize benefits to students. Created by Head Start teachers, kindergarten teachers, and content experts, this multifaceted garden, nutrition, and physical activity curriculum is specially designed for teachers 4 & 5-year-olds. (154 pp.)
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More choices in Crops & Produce
- Course
This 8 hour course is designed to satisfy the Apprentice Training Requirements as specified in Rule 7.132 (i) (2) and will cover common structural invertebrate and vertebrate pests of the United States, particularly in the state of Texas.
- Course
Prepare to take the Private Pesticide Applicator Exam administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture with this course designed for pesticide applicators in Texas. Private pesticide applicators use or supervise the use of restricted-use or state-limited-use pesticides or herbicides to produce an agricultural commodity.
- Course
This 8-hour course is designed to satisfy the Apprentice Training Requirements as specified in Rule 7.132 (i) (2) and will cover common termites in Texas along with other wood-destroying insects.
- Course
This course is designed to assist pest management companies in training new employees. By taking this course, apprentices and other employees will have the opportunity to receive 20 hours of in-depth training required by the Texas Department of Agriculture Structural Pest Control Service.
- Course
This course is for Texas Department of Agriculture Pesticide Applicators seeking TDA continuing education units (CEUs). This course provides 1- Drift Minimization CEU. Applicators who complete the course will gain knowledge of the factors affecting pesticide drift, such as inversion, spray nozzles, and drift factors.
- Publication
¡Cultiva Uvas en tu jardín con confianza! Nuestra guía gratis con base científica, de la serie El Camino al Plato, te enseña cómo a resolver problemas comunes, elegir las mejores variedades y disfrutar de una gran cosecha. ¡Descárgala ahora!