Snakes and Their Control
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- Publication
- Date of Publication
- January 25, 2022
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- See Agrilife Learn
Many kinds of snakes live in Texas, but only a few are poisonous. This leaflet focuses on the control of poisonous snakes by altering their habitats, fencing, trapping, poisoning and shooting. (4 pages)
More choices in Animals & Livestock
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Esta publicacion enumera las agencias y otras organizaciones que pueden ayudar a localizar mascotas y ganado perdidos, ayudar con la eliminacion de cadaveres, proporcionar alimentos para animales y ayudar de otras maneras despues de un desastre. Hay numeros de telefono y direcciones web para cada organizacion. (2 paginas)
- Publication
This 7-page guide functions as an aid, primarily to school Integrated Pest Management (IPM) coordinators, to address the presence of feral hogs on school grounds.
- Publication
Classifying the breed of a show steer in Texas used to be easy. Only three British breeds were shown. Crossbreeding among them was rare and easily recognized, and only Brahman crosses were shown in Texas. Today, there are as many as 17 breeds and breed-cross classes in Texas shows, among about 75 breeds of cattle […]
- Publication
A producer can use a bear put spread to hedge against a falling market. This publication discusses how a bear put spread works, the net price received by using a bear put spread, margin requirements, and why you should consider a bear put spread. (5 pages)
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A producer can use a bull call spread when trying either to protect or to benefit from a rising market. This publication discusses how a bull call spread works, margin requirements, and why you should consider a bull call spread. (3 pages)
- Publication
The purpose of this publication is to provide valuable information when developing a vaccination protocol. Vaccines stimulate an animal’s immune system to produce a protective response against bacteria, viruses, and parasites if they are exposed. The effectiveness of vaccines in stimulating an immune response will vary, which is why your veterinarian’s advice is important. (2 […]