Veterinary Science: Independent Study Curriculum

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


This course is designed for independent student learning and administered by VSCP Program Staff. Students enroll and complete 100 lesson modules at their own pace.

Course Information

Veterinary Science Independent Study Curriculum is designed for independent student learning and administered by VSCP Program Staff. Students enroll and complete 100 lesson modules at their own pace. This course once completed fulfills the 200 classroom hours required for the VSCP Veterinary Assistant designation from Texas A&M AgriLife. On average most students complete this course in 2 years.

Each lesson module includes:

  • a veterinary science lesson
  • prerecorded teacher-led video
  • printable note sheets
  • automated quiz
  • and activity to be submitted online.

Progress is tracked by VSCP Program Staff. A certificate is issued upon completion of the curriculum. This modular system includes 100 lessons found in Veterinary Science: Preparatory Training for the Veterinary Assistant. You do not need to purchase a book.

If you would like to speak directly to a Texas A&M Veterinary Science team member to ask questions about this course, please contact us. For more information about purchasing with a PO, please see the AgriLife Learn invoice process (pdf).

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