Teacher Toolkit for the Poultry Evaluation CDE

Date of Publication
August 31, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


The Teacher Toolkit for the Poultry Evaluation is a bundle designed to provide a Poultry Evaluation CDE team with the curriculum resources they need to be successful.

This edition of the Teacher Toolkit complies with the rules and regulations of the 2021- 2026 National FFA Poultry Evaluation CDE, and should be useful in preparing for competitions at all levels. Teachers and students should refer to the information in this manual when preparing for the events, especially the written examination.

The Teacher Toolkit includes:

5 copies of the Poultry Science Manual for National FFA Career Development Events 2021-26

5 copies air cell gauge template

1 CD-ROM of other Poultry CDE Resources: Handling Egg-Type Hens, Marketing Poultry Products Egg Grading Manual, Poultry Grading Manual, Interior Qualities of Eggs, and more.

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