Livestock & Poultry
We provide a wide array of research-based resources, educational programming and expert advice covering topics from animal care and production to best environmental practices for livestock, including poultry, dairy and beef cattle, horses, pigs, sheep and goats.
Related Departments: Animal Science, Entomology, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management

Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory
The Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, TVMDL, includes four diagnostic laboratories serving veterinarians, livestock producers and government agencies.

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Livestock & Poultry
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- Publication
Permanently identifying horses can deter theft and help prove ownership. This publication discusses hot-iron branding, freeze branding, electronic identification, lip tattoos, and using photographs, illustrations, parentage verification, and brand registration to aid in identifying horses. (4 pages)
- Publication
Horse owners can take steps in the management and care of horses, facilities, and equipment to minimize the risk of theft. This publication explains 15 ways to prevent horse theft. (4 Pages)
- Publication
Freeze branding of horses has many advantages. It is safe, economical, simple to do, and relatively painless. It can be done on horses of any age and does not damage the horse's hide. This publication gives complete, step-by-step instructions for freeze branding as well as information on branding systems and sites. (4 Pages)
- Publication
Various medicines are used in show market livestock and poultry, but exhibitors must ensure that the carcasses do not contain illegal residues of drugs, chemicals, and feed additives. Only approved substances should be used. Illegal uses of drugs in animals are explained. (2 Pages)
- Publication
Horse owners know the importance of protecting their animals from disease. This publication explains how diseases are transmitted and how horses can be protected by establishing a core vaccination and a risk-based vaccination program. (10 pages)