Texas 4-H Sheep Project
- Type
- Project
- Offered by
- https://agrilifeextension.tamu.edu/asset-local/texas-4-h-agriculture-livestock-program/

In the 4-H sheep project, individuals learn decision-making, record keeping, responsibility, sportsmanship, and leadership. They may participate in market projects, breeding projects, and non-competitive projects.
More choices in Animals & Livestock
- Publication
This 4-page fact sheet provides best practices to consider when making nutritional decisions that are both beneficial to the horse and sustainable for management.
- Publication
This 48-page free, downloadable publication provides crawfish producers information on successfully raising crawfish in Texas.
- Publication
This publication provides information on how to properly manage horses and cattle together in a pasture setting.
- Publication
This fact sheet discusses various mesocarnivores often encountered near human environments and why it is important to refrain from feeding these animals.
- Publication
This 2-page publication discusses the various options and issues to consider when creating a custom harvest agreement.
- Publication
This 9-page publication provides guidance on forming an Animal Issues Committee.