Animals & Livestock

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service offers a wide array of publications, programming resources and events that covers the spectrum of animals within agriculture production from beef cattle to poultry, meat and wool sheep and bison.

Related Departments: Agricultural Economics, Animal Science, Poultry Science, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management

Two pigs cuddling at the O. D. Butler, Jr. Animal Science Complex

Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory

The Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, TVMDL, includes four diagnostic laboratories serving veterinarians, livestock producers and government agencies.

Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory

Learn About
Animals & Livestock



Help your vet students feel prepared for CDE success with our booklet! Inside you’ll find 150 questions and answers for select chapters from our Veterinary Science textbook. Grab your copy today!


Our vibrant poster provides a visual journey through the 21 days of a chicken’s embryonic development. It clearly illustrates each stage, from fertilization to hatch. Download now and bring the miracle of life into your classroom! This poster comes in 3 sizes (11×14, 16×20, 24×36) to fit any learning space.


This discusses information to serve as an aid in teaching both beginning and experienced egg graders the correct interpretation and application of US standards, grades, and weight classes for shell eggs.


We offer numerous free and affordable programs on agriculture and natural resources, family and community health, economic health and youth development. We also offer many volunteer opportunities. Browse the list below.

RanchTV provides online educational content related to the Extension animal science program.


The Texas Wildlife Services Program provides statewide leadership in the science, education and practice of wildlife management to protect the state’s agricultural, industrial and natural resources, as well as the public’s health, safety and property.


The Veterinary Science Curriculum offered by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension is designed to provide students a solid base in veterinary science so they may make informed decisions about pursuing a career in the veterinary field.



This course provides accreditation for poultry producers in nuisance odor prevention. Topics include methods for reducing odors, tips for land application of litter, and state-mandated odor control plans.


Gain exclusive full access to the recordings from all three days of the 2021 short course! The Texas A&M Equine Reproductive Management Short Course is designed for owners and breeding managers who want to learn the most efficient methods for ensuring the success of their breeding programs.


This course is for beginners that want to learn more about raising sheep and goats. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension specialists use videos to guide you through the first steps to get your production going.

Southwest Dairy Day

This event will give producers and the community the opportunity to learn more about new technologies and advancements that are being made in the dairy industry.

All Resources on Animals & Livestock

  • Publication

    Help your vet students feel prepared for CDE success with our booklet! Inside you’ll find 150 questions and answers for select chapters from our Veterinary Science textbook. Grab your copy today!

  • Publication

    Our vibrant poster provides a visual journey through the 21 days of a chicken’s embryonic development. It clearly illustrates each stage, from fertilization to hatch. Download now and bring the miracle of life into your classroom! This poster comes in 3 sizes (11×14, 16×20, 24×36) to fit any learning space.

  • Publication

    This discusses information to serve as an aid in teaching both beginning and experienced egg graders the correct interpretation and application of US standards, grades, and weight classes for shell eggs.

  • Publication

    This manual aids in teaching beginners and experienced individuals how to properly evaluate live birds, ready-to-cook poultry, shell eggs, and processed poultry. It also includes information related to poultry production, management, and science and cooperating with others in solving poultry industry problems.

  • Course

    This course provides accreditation for poultry producers in nuisance odor prevention. Topics include methods for reducing odors, tips for land application of litter, and state-mandated odor control plans.

Have questions? We can help!

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