Business & Community

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service has materials, programs and resources to support business and community development. Agency personnel are actively involved in their local communities, providing assistance through collaboration with local governments, businesses and service organizations.

Related Departments: Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications

Group of runners before race

Texas 4-H Youth Entrepreneurship Project

The Youth Entrepreneurship Project is great for someone who is motivated and wants to learn business principles.
4-H member in a suit with a clipboard

Learn About
Business & Community



The food and fiber system in Texas is evolving. The structure of production agriculture now is such that while the number of farms is increasing, fewer farm and ranch operations are generating most gross cash sales.


Sustainable agriculture takes into account multiple aspects of selling an agricultural product. This publication offers start-up tips and a list of resources for further information.


This factsheet discusses a project that assessed labor and equipment limitations, risks, and benefits of different cost-sharing options in vineyards.


We offer numerous free and affordable programs on agriculture and natural resources, family and community health, economic health and youth development. We also offer many volunteer opportunities. Browse the list below.

Texas Rural Leadership Program provides adult leadership and community development for rural individuals, communities, organizations, and regions.


TALL is a comprehensive, two-year leadership enhancement study program of agricultural policies and environmental issues for emerging leaders in Texas agriculture.


The AgriLife Extension Rural Student Success Initiative aims to increase the number of rural students enrolling in and completing a postsecondary certificate or degree program.



Immerse yourself in the ever-evolving realm of vine cultivation and wine expertise!


Immerse yourself in the ever-evolving realm of vine cultivation and wine expertise!


Immerse yourself in the ever-evolving realm of vine cultivation and wine expertise!

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