Agrilife Extension Resources

We have a variety of resources on topics related to aging and caregiving for the elderly. Curated for all Texans, whether adult children, aging parents and current and former members of the military, our science-backed resources will help aging Texans remain active and vibrant parts of their community.

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Showing results for: Aging & Caregiving
Asset Type: Course
  • Course

    Although developmental domains are frequently discussed in isolation, that is not the way children learn. Development in one domain impacts the other domains. Children should be engaged in high-quality developmentally appropriate activities that teach multiple areas at one time.

    After completing this 1-hour course, the learner will be able to describe how the integration of activities has a positive impact on children’s learning across the domains and create activities that address components in multiple domains.

  • Course

    Maintaining the health of young children – and setting them up with lifelong healthy habits – are critical elements of a quality early childhood program. This course provides an overview of the Texas Healthy Building Blocks recognition program for early care and education settings that have demonstrated a commitment to promoting early childhood health. It is aligned with the guidelines of the Texas Healthy Building Blocks recognition program.

  • Course

    Abusive head trauma is the leading cause of death in cases of child abuse in the United States. This 2-hour course will help you better understand the dangers of abusive head trauma and how to take steps to protect the children in your care from this type of abuse.

  • Course

    Infants’ experiences early in life literally influence the physical structures of the brain, opening the way for patterns of thought and behavior for the rest of a child’s life. This 1-hour course addresses critical topics related to caring for the youngest and most vulnerable population of children, infants and toddlers.

  • Course

    Providing a broad overview of 4 main areas of child growth and development, this course offers practical tips on supporting children’s development. Key findings from brain research and its relevance to the care of young children is briefly explored, as well as the principles of Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP).

  • Course

    Why and how to strengthen language through responsive and effective interactions with infants and toddlers helps teachers understand the importance of early language experiences. Learn ways to promote infants’ and toddlers’ language development. Multiple strategies for effective, responsive communications are given.

  • Course

    Early childhood educators strive to establish warm and secure relationships with children in their care. Unfold strategies for building strong relationships with families while supporting social and emotional development. Recognize the importance of responsive interactions, positive guidance, exploration, and play.

  • Course

    Guidance and discipline issues are two of the most challenging aspects of any early childhood teacher’s work. Explore what contributes to problem behaviors and how to work with children to promote positive behaviors. Examine the effects of the classroom environment on children’s behaviors.

  • Course

    One of the most challenging aspects of child care is deciding upon a style of discipline that is appropriate, effective, and in the best interest of each child. Students will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of various disciplinary styles and explore strategies for setting and enforcing healthy limits.

  • Course

    When educators partner with children’s families, children are empowered to learn and grow. Discuss the growing complexity of families. Gain specific strategies for building trusting relationships and creating collaborative partnerships with families to build a solid educational foundation for children.