Lawn & Garden
We have lawn and garden resources for everyone from the hobby gardener to the athletic field turfgrass manager. County-based AgriLife Extension horticulturists and statewide specialists share their expertise through workshops, webinars and online information to assist those Texans with, and without, a green thumb.
Related Departments: Horticultural Sciences, Food Science & Technology, Entomology, Agricultural Economics

Junior Master Gardener

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Lawn & Garden
All Resources on Lawn & Garden
- Publication
This publication explains how rainwater harvesting landscape methods can save consumers money, reduce the demand for potable water, use water efficiently, and reduce flooding, erosion and surface water contamination.
- Course
This online course covers the types of butterflies in Texas and how to attract them. Homeowners or garden enthusiasts will learn to invite new fluttery friends to the neighborhood.
- Course
Do you want to restore native plants? Are you curious about when to plant and how to maintain it? This online course will discuss how land managers can select, plant, and maintain native plants and when to plant them.
- Publication
This publication explains how home gardeners and small-scale farmers can increase their properties’Ao productivity by intercropping’growing two or more crops together on the same plot’ using species that perform specific functions to benefit their companion crop. Also discussed are the results of a 2-year study on intercropping okra, peanuts, peas, peppers, and watermelon. (4 pages)
- Publication
This 2-page publication focuses on early sanitization practices to minimize the risk of plant disease in your garden.