Livestock Guard Dogs
- Type
- Publication
- Date of Publication
- December 7, 2021
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
Domestic livestock, particularly sheep and goats, are susceptible to predation from various wild and domesticated animals. With the proper instinct and training, livestock guardian dogs can minimize this predation. This publication explains how guardian dogs protect flocks and herds. It also outlines breed selection, training, care, the economics of guardian dogs, and the relevant impacts they can have on ranch enterprises. (8 pages)
More choices in Animals & Livestock
- Course
This course is designed as a support resource for individual students participating in the Veterinary Science Certificate Program: Preparatory Training for the Veterinary Assistant. It is designed to assist students as a supplemental resource. This course supports learning from the textbook for one student.
- Publication
This manual explains how to evaluate horses in contests or as potential purchases.
Note: This is a paid downloadable publication. - Course
This course aims to help beef cattle producers protect Texas waterways from contamination that is linked with the production of livestock. These contaminations may also pose a health risk to Texas citizens.
- Publication
Veterinary Science Career Development Events student workbook helps students prepare for a veterinary science contest. This publication includes breeds, organs, parasites and instruments.
- Publication
This book will provide a sound platform for students to master the knowledge and skills needed to become a veterinary assistant and to pursue a rewarding career as part of a professional team dedicated to providing the best animal and public health care available in the United States.
- Course
This course is designed for teachers to assist student learning for the Veterinary Science Certificate Program. This learning management system includes all 100 lessons found in Veterinary Science: Preparatory Training for the Veterinary Assistant.