Seguridad Alimenticia: es nuestro negocio
- Type
- Publication
- Date of Publication
- August 31, 2021
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
This course book contains study material to help certified food managers (CFM) in the food-service industry learn about food safety principles and practices. It includes a study guide to help managers prepare for a national CFM food manager examination.
Este libro de curso contiene material de estudio para ayudar a los administradores de alimentos certificados (CFM) en la industria de servicios de alimentos a aprender sobre los principios y practicas de seguridad alimentaria. Incluye una guia de estudio para ayudar a los gerentes a prepararse para un examen de gerente de alimentos CFM nacional.
More choices in Cooking & Food Safety
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This 24-page downloadable cookbook contains three days’ worth of recipes that can easily be made with minimal preparation, ingredients, and resources.
Note: This is a paid downloadable publication. - Publication
Judging and Scoring Milk and Identifying Cheeses (USDA) aids students in learning how to correctly identify milk and cheeses by discussing distinguishing tastes and odors.
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The purpose of this handbook is to enhance learning activities related to the production, processing, distribution, and consumption of dairy foods.
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Research shows that implementing policies can help promote behavior change. This one-hour course will walk learners through the steps of policy development, implementation and evaluation.
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Interested in selling food at a Texas farmers’ market? Need to know what permits are required? This one hour online course provides valuable information for potential vendors about the rules and regulations of Texas farmers’ markets.