Texas 4-H Youth Ambassador Programs
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Texas 4-H Equine Ambassadors strives to provide high school aged 4-H members the opportunity to develop and practice advanced leadership skills related to mentoring other youth, and to become advocates for the equine industry in Texas.
Texas 4-H Fashion and Interior Design Ambassadors strives to provide high school aged 4-H members the opportunity to develop and practice advanced leadership skills to mentor other youth, and to become knowledgeable representatives for the Fashion & Interior Design project.
Healthy Texas Youth Ambassadors is made up of high school aged youth who are passionate about health and committed to being advocates for healthy living in their communities. The youth ambassadors are empowered to educate and make a difference as they provide leadership to educational programs on what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. Throughout the two-year term, ambassadors experience personal growth and achievement and are of service to others.
Texas 4-H Livestock Ambassadors strives to provide high school aged 4-H members the opportunity to develop and practice advanced leadership skills related to mentoring other youth, and to become advocates for animal agriculture.
Photography Ambassadors
Texas 4-H Photography Ambassadors provides opportunities to grow in the photography project through community service, workshops, training sessions, field trips, and leadership/citizenship activities. Photography Ambassadors serve in photography corps at state-level events, taking event photographs. In order to become an ambassador, members must first complete the requirements to become a Junior Master Photographer.
Poultry Ambassadors
Texas 4-H Poultry Ambassadors strives to provide high school aged 4-H members the opportunity to develop and practice advanced leadership skills related to mentoring other youth, and to become advocates for the poultry industry.
Shooting Sports Ambassadors
Texas 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassadors represent the Texas 4-H & Youth Development Program and specifically Texas 4-H Shooting Sports for public relations purposes at special events such as donor/supporter functions and with the general public, peer groups, 4-H groups, community service groups, schools and media contacts. They serve as spokespersons for the 4-H Shooting Sports program, helping to make 4-H Shooting Sports programs more visible. The Ambassadors further develop their skills in leadership, public presentation, citizenship, community service, public relations and team building.
Texas 4-H STEM Ambassadors is a state-wide team who work in a youth-adult partnership structure to promote, educate, and inspire others in the area of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The team consists of 4-H members 15 years and older who have a strong interest in promoting STEM to other 4-H members, volunteers, as well as groups outside of 4-H. The team meets throughout the year to develop and support programs in areas such as robotics, photography, and video production.
Texas 4-H Water Ambassadors provides high school age 4-H members and youth an opportunity to gain advanced knowledge and practice leadership skills related to the science, technology, engineering, and management of water in Texas
More choices in 4-H Agriculture & Livestock
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The dairy cattle project is a great way to learn about the dairy industry and milk production, animal nutrition, health and reproduction.
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Texas 4-H Homes for Horses connects 4-H youth with the opportunity to work towards solving the at-risk horse problem through education, outreach and adoption.
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What is poultry? Chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese are just a few examples of poultry. This project teaches members production and marketing by managing projects.
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Texas 4-H is part of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and the Texas A&M University System. Founded in 1908, 4-H is the largest youth development program in Texas, reaching more than 550,000 youth each year.
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The Texas 4-H Beef Cattle Project allows youth to explore the various aspects of the cattle industry such as livestock selection, nutrition, and animal husbandry.
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Many youth in Texas do not have the facilities, funds or interest in raising a traditional livestock project. However, there are 1.2 million households in the state that have youth under 18 years old and own a dog. Mixed breed or purebred, registered or not, all kinds of dogs are welcomed in the Texas 4-H Dog Care and Training Project.